We handle and prepare your vessel so you can fully enjoy your day out on the beautiful turquoise waters. Stress-free, let our small boat concierge take care of it!


Full Vessel Management

We service your engines when due. Pull vessel out of water during storms & store in our yard. Carry out any further maintenance work.

Detail vessel, check bilges & batteries.
Yearly: Anti-foul vessel and carry out a hull/deck polish.
After Each Use: Wash your vessel down and fuel up if required.
As Needed: Haul our your vessel and clean the bottom of your boat.

shipyard servicing boat engine

Basic Monthly Management

When your vessel is berthed at our marina, stored in our yard or at your South Bank residence, once a month we will check batteries, run a systems check, run engines and report any issues and inform you when any service work is due. Basic monthly wash is additional

Monthly Fee Additional Basic Wash
27ft and Under $200 $300
28ft - 34ft. $250 $360
34ft and Over. $300 $420

** Must sign up for a minimum of 3 months

Daily Concierge

Delivery of your vessel to your South Bank residence or marina berth

Pre- board clean & covers off, post board clean & covers on, fuel up vessel & stock icebox with ice.

Full Daily Concierge Rate
27ft and Under $150
28ft and Over $175
plus fuel.

*Discounts available if used multiple times a week and/or if no pick up and drop off is required.


Catering Packages

Planning a day out on the water? We have a wide selection of catering and beverage packages to make it that much easier to enjoy your day out with family and friends.

All small boat catering packages require a minimum 72hr notice in-advance with the exception of drinks packages.

General Services

Need to learn how to drive your boat? Apply for a fishing license? We got you covered.

- Driver Training $110/hr
- 1/2 of Full Day Skipper $350/$600
- $150 paperwork fee + Fishing License $300 Yearly Per Boat (plus $11 Per Person Per Day)